Thursday, March 24, 2005

Most of the time...

I feel like my blog is read-worthy. Mostly, I have lucid, intelligent, stupid, inconsistent, fascinating yet boring things on my mind.

The hobby of having a blog fills a hole in my life somehow.

Of course, part of my blog is my profile... in which I state that I am a "hater of hypocrisy." Do I just say I hate hypocrisy because it sounds good and makes me feel noble? Of COURSE NOT. Do I only say it so I seem like a better person? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Uh, okay well... maybe.

I didn't THINK so until I read the blog entry of LIGHTNING BUG'S BUTT. It really was an epiphany for me.

After careful self-examination, it seems I actually hate hypocrisy... IN OTHERS. Mine is okay, it's the next guy I really hate.

Wow, a new plateau of self-awareness! Drinks for everyone!

Let's be honest, the sort of hypocrisy I hate mostly deals with the big things. Politics, right to life... religion... frequent flyer miles. The small things pass through my hypocrisy strainer and drop neatly into the puzzle that is my life. Isn't that convenient?

Side note: when I first started blogging, I felt really good about the things I wrote. I found them insightful, fascinating, interesting and well written. Since then, I've found blogs that make mine seem mundane and pedestrian. Lightning Bug's Butt, among others, is a great example.

Yet, curiously, I continue blogging.


Anonymous said...

Now don't get down on yourself. I much bigger hypocrit than Lightning. My motto: "Do as I say, not as I do."

Dr. Mike said...

Dave, basically you a simple, yet boring person! And that's what we LIKE about you!

Weary Hag said...

I will have to agree that LBB is a rare breed around these parts (Blogger). BUT, there's absolutely nothing wrong with your own blog! I floated in here on a link from LBB's comment page. I'll be back for sure. Fun reading!
