Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Just the mention of that name sends even the bravest of men to their knees with their hands cupped over their ears. Bleeding from openings out of which blood was never intended to spring.

Rosie. Rosie.

I wish I were talking about Rosie who is my friends' dog. Or the Rosies at the end of my arms.

Rosie O'Donnell has a blog. I know, I know. Like you care. But I'll bet you click this link anyway, obviously out of morbid self-loathing.

Rosie's blog

1 comment:

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...


It's something she'll proably write about. Railing against the evils of ice cream or something like that.

I have willpower. I didn't click on it. I'm posting this comment and leaving your page until tomorrow.