Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Lie old

As I sit in my living room pondering the imponderable on the eve of my 41st birthday, I wonder - is it better to lie old or lie young? As you can see, I like to wrap my mind around the big issues.

When lying about your age, I think it's best to lie old. "Today is my 50th birthday!" I'd exclaim.

"Gee, you look great for 50," they'd marvel. "You barely look 45."

On second thought, playing guessing games with my age can only lead to humiliation. And not the good kind.


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Happy birthday, Dave! Don't lie about your age, just put on a fake accent when you divulge it.

Dave Morris said...

Gary, it must be nice that everyone guesses you for younger, which they do. As for the cow, last person to the restaurant is a rotten egg.

Mike, thanks. If there's anyone who has worn through his share of socks, it would be you my friend. I appreciate the wishes!

Rocket, great advice. And I can change the accent to whatever is appropriate at the time. I can't wait for Cinco de Mayo to test the idea.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Happy boitday, chumley. Does your wife know you're STILL over the hill?

I got a swell wife. She says I could pass for 73, easy.

Chris Cope said...

Lie young -- really young. Tell people you are 17. When they laugh or look at you, make them feel bad and tell them you look older "because of the cancer."