Up at 5 am. A quiet morning drive across central Illinois farmland, on the way to Louisville, KY. Looeyville. Luavull. Louis-ville. Luaville. Luhvuhl. A sculpture I couldn't resist, pictured here with the sculptor, Peter Haddow. He's from Zimbabwe, and the stone is from a quarry in Virginia. It's really a beautiful piece, sort of African looking. I don't know why a rube like me would own this sculpture, but I do.
You will be the first to know if I get any more wild hairs up my arse. There's more art to see tomorrow.
The sculpture is gorgeous, kind of looks like obsidion (sp?) in the photo...
Ultra, ultra hip.
Oh thank goodness you posted--your wild hair comment reminded me I have a Brazilian appointment today. Thanks, man!
Have fun.
Buy me something.
My eyebrows came out great. Marisol (my Brazilian waxist) always does such a fine, symmetrical job. Welcome home!
Jeeziz Dave. I leave you alone for three lousy days and you have four new posts up? What in the world is that?
Listen, lovin' the sculpture but one word of advice. Tuck it someplace high up because if you ever mistakenly sit on the thing, you'll never be the same.
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