Monday, August 29, 2005

Andy... who?

I want to know something. What is the fascination with Dick?

Andy Dick is the most overrated, non-funny, uninteresting comedian/actor/whatever... to be burped out of the Hollywood machine in a long time.

As I watch him on Letterman, I shiver at the notion that expectations of celebrity have swooped lower than the barometric pressure over Mississippi right now.

Do you have an example of blatant, overrated "how-the-hell-did-they-get-where-they-are" celebrity? Please spill it.


Spinning Girl said...

He was funny on News Radio, but now I realize it was just because he was a punch-bag for Phil Hartman.

Back to work, people! Fun's over.

Kerouaced said...

I don't understand his appeal. It seems his popularity is fading now...

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Unfortunately, Ed Sullivan is dead, so I can't rat him out.

Weary Hag said...

Don't know him. Don't wanna.
That Hilton broad comes to mind though. Without the name, she'd be just another dumb blonde. (gasp! Who said that?)

Lee Ann said...

Yes, I really do wonder about him. Also, Tara Reid! I'm sure I can think of others, just not off the top of my head.