My buddy and webmaster has developed, through a new software program he bought, an animated banner for my business, which will eventually be incorporated into my website. This is just one frame of the animation, which will show every time you go to I'm giddy like a schoolgirl. Doesn't this shit look GREAT?
Dave, you are definitely a honey! I simply adore your voice. I have to tell you that I nearly jumped out of my skin. I was going to listen to the demo, and my sound was up higher than I thought, and I literally jumped up and off my chair. hahaha...great job!
That shit looks amazing.
Dave, You have a wonderful voice. Have you done voiceovers for 93Q in Houston? As a choir dork, I love how you ennunciate and even pick on "chew"...hehe
Great demos and that new logo will be awesome.
These lovely ladies have finally discovered what some knew long ago: your voice is smooth, melted delight!
No shit.
How cool is that!! Love the voice Dave ;-)
Cool logo! I like your site too!
Maybe this is bad, but as I listened, I imagined how you could use your vocal powers as a weapon of mojo in the bedroom, so if you've done that, please post about it immediately. No names need be mentioned. ;)
Groovy. On my way over there to see it in action.
Yeah, I can't use the "back" buttopn over on your voiceover page either.
You've got me in a lockhold!!!
"buttopn" is how we say it in Estonia.
Dave you've had to work for radio stations in Ohio. Your voice sounds so familiar (or your just THAT sought after). :-) You have a great knack for it, I'm glad you went into your field instead of say.. telemarketing or something. ;-) I feel like I know a voice celebrity now. ;-)
Do you get requests for outgoing answering machines all the time? Cuz... I'd like mine to be special. :-)
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