Thursday, November 03, 2005

Half Nekkid Thursday

Found in my yard after halloween: one egg, intact.

I can only surmise it hit leaves on the tree and bounced lightly to the ground on a particularly soft clump of grass. I can also assume it was INTENDED to hit the front of my house... obviously thrown by some weak-armed puss who couldn't vandalize his way out of a wet halloween candy bag.

No eggs actually hit my house, this was the one and only piece of evidence that any "fowl" play was occuring in the neighborhood.

Just off camera, I was half nekkid when this picture was taken. Trust me.

Happy Half Nekkid Thursday. To have fun with us, click here:



Mara said...

Inspired by the words of Dave Morris, Mara writes......

.... Dear God, please bless Dave in all his Half Nekkid Thursdayness.. Amen


Scott & Julia said...

It was probably a 3yr old who threw it .. they start them young nowadays :) Happy HNT!

S said...

Happy HNT! Are you gonna sit on that egg?

Lee Ann said...

I was just coming to get you to play half-nekkid with me. You started without me!
Happy HNT!

lime said...

that's pretty funy that it didn't break! one less youhad to clean up at least. happy HNT!

Amandarama said...

Gawd, the day we've bred teenagers who can't even egg a house properly we may as well just roll over and die.

I weep for our nation's youth.

No wait, that was just something in my eye. Like total scorn for the impotent eggers.

Kim Leslie said...

Maaay-beeee... a chicken was walking across your yard, minding its own business when some halloween hoodlums jumped at it and shouted "Boo!" causing said fowl to drop its load and fly the coop. Just one theory.

.- said...


Debi said...

*Runs in, grabs my egg back* Oppps! did I say that? lol. Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm makes me think of that one about if you do it with a feather you are kinky. If you do it with the whole chicken you are a pervert. lol

Happy HNT all.

Sasha said...

what a nice clean egg you have. oh and that one you're holding up too.

Lyvvie said...

Thing is: Did they let it sit in a drawer and get properly honking foul, or is it to be this morning's omlette?

Spinning Girl said...

I think you should eat it, and then run outside to scream your triumph to the neighborhood.

Happy HNT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Get Crackin'

Happy HNT! :)

Monalicious said...

Oh my God, that's is too funny. Did you cook it up?

Happy HNT!

Rainypete said...

Weak armed wally! Probably doesn't have the physical strenght to throw his voice either.

Happy HNT

Benjamin said...

oh, terrible pun! Nice. Happy HNT!

Tammy said...

That is hilarious!

Happy HNT!

Chick said...

Extremely nice egg...ya got there...

Happy HNT.

... said...

lol - you were egg-attempted by a kid who throws like a two year old!! that's beautiful!! Maybe it wasn't a prank - maybe a chicken wanted you to adopt it's unborn child....

Anonymous said...

add it to your omlet!!

happy hnt!

Michelle said...

Little shits. Glad you didn't have a big mess to clean up though!

Happy HNT!

Weary Hag said...

Already slapping myself upside head for even THINKING this, but you must have been eggstatic that it didn't hit your house.

By the way? Lovin those counter tops! Excellent color choice.

Wirthy said...

Maybe it was just a warning shot.

Happy HNT!

Sheila said...

Happy HNT.. Nice one...

Chuck said...

LOL great find!! HHNT!

tornwordo said...

Nice huevo. And forearm to boot. Happy HNT!

warcrygirl said...

Hey, that's not fair! I totally cannot see your nekkid reflection in your teapot! ;)

Happy HNT!

MamaKBear said...

Somebody obviously had lousy aim, and wasn't strong enough to even crack an egg! LOL Happy HNT!

Muse said...

It was dark, I couldnt see. sorry. ;) Happy HNT!

Jillian said...

So what for breakfast??

Happy HNT!

MG said...

wow, lucky you...where/how did you find it?

At least it gave you something for HNT :) Have a good one!

Chris Cope said...

It's like an Irish toast: "May your home be egged by a wuss who can't throw from third to first."

OldHorsetailSnake said...

What happens when you run out of half-nekkidness to show? Do you get a new body? Or borrow somebody else's?

cmhl said...

please tell me you didn't eat it. haha.

Kerouaced said...

My Chihuahua's keep unwanted pranksters out of my yard. Seriously,they go right after the ankles...

Christine said...

Sure some kid didn't realize they weren't suppose to hard boil them? H HNT

S said...

BTW, I like Payday bars too, were gonna have to share! Something about that salty peanutty and caramel mixture..I dont like the chocy covered ones though, that takes away from the uniquenss! Happy HNT again!

... said...

Wow, did you get the comments on this on or what???

That egg is great...I am sure there is a terrific story behind it and I am glad it didn't end up on your house. Were you hiding from the T and Ters?

V said...

Dude, I would so be fingerprinting that egg.

Tish said...

So, did the egg make for a nice breakfast? hehe. Happy late HNT!