Saturday, December 11, 2004

Living life?

Something popped out of my mouth the other day which struck me as an idea for a country song. A friend of mine I hadn't seen in a while asked me how I'd been. I said "Oh, I'm livin' life."

I thought for a second, then said, "Actually life's living me."

It's the old live-to-work or work-to-live thing I guess. But I like my phrase better. And next time life's living you, kindly remind life who's the boss.

And remember to never, ever try to convince yourself you could write a country song.

1 comment:

Spinning Girl said...


Actually, I think Life is Living me. Life is the boss.

The best Country Music song title I ever wrote (in my opinion) is:

"Nine hounds under the porch plus you makes ten"

I just crack myself up.