It has become so bad, pop culture has developed a name for them, "prosti-tots." Influenced by Britney Spears and others who came into the spotlight as children, parents are giving in to their kids' demands to be allowed to dress and act like adults... even trampy ones.

Consequently, we have successful stores like Hollister, Deb, etc., new lines of children's make-up, and an entire generation of underaged hoochie-mamas who are dressing like their older, street-walking counterparts.
First, let me tell you what I am NOT: a prudish old man who walked to school barefoot in the snow, worked as a blacksmith and laments the days of the outhouse.
What I AM: the father of a teenage daughter... which, when done correctly, is far harder than snow walking, blacksmithing or sub-zero pooping.
On our shopping trip last weekend, I finally okayed a pair of boots with 2-3 inch heels. She has bugged me about them for a couple of years now - and since she's almost 17, I finally gave in. I did so with a bit of trepedation, a fear of what she will want next, and sadness that she's growing up. It's not like I make her wear bloomers, and fasten her top button... but it was a big step for me - and for her. I know she felt my hesitation. More importantly, I think she appreciated it.
She really is a good girl, and has been a pretty good sport about my conservative clothing requirements. She made it through her younger years without becoming a prosti-tot.
Now, I need to make sure she doesn't become an ad-ho-lescent.
PS - Let me say this. I realize this policy has implications with peer pressure and her ability to "fit in." She handles it well and we compromise frequently, so all parties are satisfied. I am thankful she hasn't gone "goth" on me yet, but at this point, if she chooses to, it's her choice. She's old enough to make those decisions.
Hey, you influence them while you can, then you have to let go and cross your fingers.
Dave, Oh mmmannnn, I have an almost 17 year old myself and she's going on 25. After the "goth" look came and went, she is pretty radical about the clothing. Her and I made a deal though, as long as she
a)keeps the grades up
b)doesn't smoke
c)doesn't drink
d)doesn't do drugs
e)doesn't lie, the rest is gravy. As my daugther has also inhereted what we call the "burnt Raley chromosome", she can listen to and basically dress the way she wants, she got past the Britney Spears thing and I would surmise, that Dave, your daughter will too. I have learned to pick my battles more wisely.
Bravo, David.
You should see the cleavage (frontal & hind) that I deal with every day. Constant vigilance. The girls hate us for our stodgy ways. Little do they know that when they sit at their desks everyone can see all the way up their 4" skirts to their thongs. Grade 8.
And, prosti-tot is not just a way of dress. It's apparently a lifestyle too. I worked peds for awhile and was thoroughly fed up with 8 year olds who wore thongs and BRAS! BRAS??? These girls were nipples on sticks! They would tell their mothers to shut up and mind their own business!
Lemme tell ya, Dave. You are BLESSED with your daughter. Mines a good girl too, about to turn 19 and only NOW is she first interested in sexier clothes. Her idea of sexy means a strappy tank with jeans and heels.
I dont know what I did in a past life to deserve this child...but I think it was good.
With the exception of spending my money with the force of a pissing racehorse, she's a great kid.
Good luck to ya!
My eighteen year old daughter dropped out of college and is about to marry her 22-year old boyfriend, who is in the Navy.
She went through this crazy clothes stage, too. The wierd thing is, I think I prefer her in her 'Goth' stage over her getting married in a month to a guy she's only known a few months stage.
sub-zero pooping?! I'm floored
*sings off key* Thank God for little boysssssssss
We were too poor growing up to afford the "in" clothes. I remember it being hard ( I lived in a town that had upper and lower class economics but not much in the middle) because there were kids that were "in" and had the money to buy that stuff.
I made it through without too much trouble though, and am a firm believer that kids can get through school without looking like tramps and gang bangers....I did it. My sister and I both ended up with our own unique styles in high school but we didn't go down the ho or gangster route.
Sounds like you are doing great and I am sure your daughter will turn out great as well.
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