Monday, June 04, 2007


Although the prices are coming down somewhat, I wanted to post a few pics/editorial cartoons on my blog to remind me of how expensive the summer of 2007 was. Enjoy!


V said...

Hey! That's what I need! Some sheeps!! :)

I like how you are using your blog as a memory book. As I look back on posts that are now years away, it's cool to remember.

Blogarita said...

I'm pretty sure that if I dig out my high school memory book, it will say that gas was $1.25 back in 1982. And that we thought it was expensive.

Amandarama said...

Ha! Funny stuff.

I need to buy a new car soon. I'm contemplating a Prius, but I might end up with a Yaris just because I'm so broke from filling up my current car.

PinkHippo said...

I like the first picture. It is so true and just like what is happening in Singapore. We can afford to car, but cannot afford to maintain it.

High parking fees, High gas prices, road tax, plus high Electronic Road Pricing fee (ERP).

That is the reason why I am still taking public transport to work. :)

EE said...

It costs $85 to fill up my vehicle.
Love these cartoons. Can't wait to show my husband!

Jill said...

The sheep thing -- my boyfriend's friend has some land that he purchased to build on, about 2 acres. Instead of spending gas and time on mowing, he purchased several goats.

I'm not kidding.

Kim Leslie said...

I'm with ee. LOL/OMG/WTF is my FAV!

rosemary said...

Yup, summer 2007

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Gee, I had most of these in my pictures file, but I was only using one a day. So now you've flushed us out of our stash. But in a funniest way.

Sharon said...

Hey there
friend Joe P suggested I check out your blog....LOVE the gas photos...