Saturday, November 27, 2004

Day one...

With all the talk of blogging, I had to do it. I consider myself up-to-date regarding new things, and frankly... a daily/weekly journalistic release is something I need.

The snow is gone, but we got hit pretty good.

After scouring some of the other blogs on the 'net, I've decided what I want and DON'T want to do with mine. I don't want it to be one long boring political rant, I don't want it to be a play-by-play of my wife and my sex life. (have you SEEN some of these blogs?!?) I want it to be something my family can read, a place to blow off steam, and a place to begin recording my life.

It's amazing that I've traveled so many places, done so many things, yet have little recollection of much of it. Only when someone jogs a memory... I can say "hey, I've been there!" So I figure recording some of the boring day to day thoughts, prognostications and anecdotes will occasionally produce a keeper. And someday I will write a book of the story of my life and include those "keepers."

Anyway, this is the start. Hopefully I'll have time to keep it up. Like many projects, I figure I will get a quick start... then my new-found energy will wane.

Oh well.

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