You'll hear things like "let's call Daddy," or "let's call Grandma." But on most of them, you just get a sound effect.
Most of the sound effects are as heard through the earpiece of a phone, like the sound of a phone ringing on the other end of the line. But the sounds that make me smile are the ones I know Grayson will never hear during the practical use of a real telephone. Things like a dial tone, or a busy signal.
I wonder why they even put those effects ON a phone these days. When he pushes those buttons, I always wax a little nostalgic.
So what is a child to make of one of THESE?
When I was a child, we were on a party line. Ever experienced one of those? You literally share your line with neighbors, so when you pick up the phone to make a call, it's possible that, instead of a dial tone, you'll hear their conversation. So you have to hang up and wait.
And wait.
Yeah, that Lela Plumlee was a talker.